Prayer Challenge

I want to ask you to say this prayer out loud, if possible.

“I belong to God. I am a holy vessel because I have the Holy Spirit of the Living God. The Lord of Heaven and earth has said to me; “I declare you holy!”. I commit to start believing what He says. I AM HOLY! Remind me daily, Spirit of the Living God, to treat myself as holy, open my eyes to every scheme of The Enemy to treat me as if I'm not. You, God, are Holy. Your word is the truth. This day Father, I chose to believe you! I ask this in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for me so that I could be a coheir to the kingdom of God. Amen”

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Too Busy to Write, But Still Staying in The Word.

Happily, my new position at work is beginning to feel like I might know what I am doing. Been there? Also, this is my off week from breakfast duty; more time to prepare for the day and upcoming week is appreciated.  

Additionally, I am leading a four week, bible study at church. Since I am the leader, I feel obligated to do massive amounts of study. Did I mention I am an overachiever? Yep, once a commitment is made, my focus becomes laser beam narrow. 

Did I forget to mention that I teach the 5th/6th grade Sunday school class too? And,I am a member of the Christmas committee in our Christian Motorcyclists Association chapter? And, getting ready for the Sunday School Christmas play?

Sadly,writing has been taking a back seat to these other pursuits. I know, you are wondering why I don't say no, aren't you?

 Also, I find myself spending too many hours on Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, and other websites. Anyone else having this problem?

 TV viewing has also taken over a significant chunk of every morning and evening. Prioritizing my time is a task that must be done soon. No more procrastinating.

However, studying in the word and staying in touch with Jesus through prayer/meditation time is a priority. Studying for Sunday lessons and bible study is part of my time commitment. Spiritual growth has been the reward for the many hours I have given over to reading the Bible, preparing for Bible lessons, and private prayer time. 

In conclusion, it is time to get back on my writing schedule. Giving up some Internet surfing and TV viewing will be necessary, but do I really need to watch two hours of cooking shows back to back? No, probably not. 

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