Prayer Challenge

I want to ask you to say this prayer out loud, if possible.

“I belong to God. I am a holy vessel because I have the Holy Spirit of the Living God. The Lord of Heaven and earth has said to me; “I declare you holy!”. I commit to start believing what He says. I AM HOLY! Remind me daily, Spirit of the Living God, to treat myself as holy, open my eyes to every scheme of The Enemy to treat me as if I'm not. You, God, are Holy. Your word is the truth. This day Father, I chose to believe you! I ask this in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for me so that I could be a coheir to the kingdom of God. Amen”

Monday, January 5, 2015

Psalm of the Week - 119:98 - Week of 5 January 2015

David was speaking of his learning in Psalm 119:98. David gave God credit for making him wiser than his enemies. The cause of this wisdom? The commandments of God that he, David, had learned and kept with him in his heart. Following and studying the word of God gives us wisdom. 

John Gill wrote these words to explain Psalm 119:98:
...the children of attending to the word and commands of God, and being under his direction and counsel, counter work the designs of their enemies, and overturn their schemes and measures, which are brought to confusion; honesty being in the issue the best policy. However, the people of God are wiser than they(their enemies) in the best things; in the affair of salvation; in things relating to a future state, and their happiness there; which wisdom they attain unto through the Word of God, which is written for their learning; through the Scriptures, which are able to make men wise to salvation: these are the means, and no more; for it is God that is the efficient cause, or makes the means effectual, to make them wise, and wiser than others; it is owing to his divine teachings, to his Spirit and grace.
An enormous amount of information is held in this one paragraph. 

We are the children of light. When the children of light pay attention to the word of God, stay under God's direction, and stay under God's counsel they(the children of light) can overcome their enemies. 

Honesty is to be valued. 

The children of light, or the people of God, attain wisdom through the Word of God. The Bible is written for learning. The people of God gain wisdom by studying the Bible, but it is owing to God's Spirit and grace that wisdom gained.

By studying the word of God, I can attain wisdom through God's Spirit and grace. 


Father God, Thank-you for the helping me to gain wisdom through studying your words in the Bible. As you helped David gain wisdom, I know that you will help me to gain wisdom. I will carry your words with me in my heart everywhere that I go. Thank you for your Spirit and your grace through which you have granted me the wisdom I learn in studying your commandments, laws, precepts, and words that are set forth in the Bible.

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