Prayer Challenge

I want to ask you to say this prayer out loud, if possible.

“I belong to God. I am a holy vessel because I have the Holy Spirit of the Living God. The Lord of Heaven and earth has said to me; “I declare you holy!”. I commit to start believing what He says. I AM HOLY! Remind me daily, Spirit of the Living God, to treat myself as holy, open my eyes to every scheme of The Enemy to treat me as if I'm not. You, God, are Holy. Your word is the truth. This day Father, I chose to believe you! I ask this in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for me so that I could be a coheir to the kingdom of God. Amen”

Monday, May 11, 2015

Verse of the Week - Ephesians 4:26 - May 11, 2015

My parents were very young when they married, mom was 15 and dad was 17. However, the benefit to me was that I spent large amounts of time with my great grandparents, especially my Great Grandma Tucker. 

My great grandmother, Ella Mae Tucker, had a huge impact on my faith because I spent many weekends with her. Great Grandma had copies of "The Upper Room", a daily devotional guide, on the table by her chair and I liked looking at the pictures and asking questions about each reading she read to me. 

Great Grandma was the first person I remember telling me to " Not let the sun do down while you are still angry." I do not remember the reason she shared this with me, but I do remember seeing very loud verbal battles between other family members. I imagine I shared this with Great Grandma because I can still remember those fights like it happened yesterday, instead of fifty years ago. At the time, I did not know that she was giving me biblical advice.

The first time I read Ephesians 4:26, I had an "ah hah!' moment and remember thinking," So that's where that comes from!" Today, I still remember to follow Great Grandma's advice," Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." 

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